Sunday, February 21, 2010

Emotions and thrills of My Shoe Rack ... No Really

Have a lot of shoes? Well, I have a lot of them. In fact, I have more than enough shoes I need, and my husband often reminds me every day. The problem is that I do not know where I put my shoes. As a result, someone would often stumble in the night. Not that I'm lazy, just that there are so many of them. I believe that my shoes have been a representative of workers' and decided to take over the family. You can take outhelp, because I do not mean to remember some of them. I suspect that they are organized, and are preparing to attack. They must stand at the center of the floor on purpose so that someone is hurt. I also tried to use a shoe rack to keep them under control, but this plan has not worked.

The first shoe rack that I had tried a shelf rather short. I bought them because they said shoe on the ground. 've Been hearing the complaints from my husband, tired, and heIt was not my rebellion, my story. So, I dutifully put some of my shoes on the rack and put the others who do not wear very often in the cupboard. However, the shoes were strewn around the house again before the end of the week. Only one pair was left shoe, and they were not even shoes. This experience convinced me that there are other external forces at work in my house.

I still had a shoe rack, because the first loan to buy a place for toys. TheAccording Schuhregal I was suspended from the back door of my room. I thought it will work, because all the shoes were confined in the wardrobe. However, I managed it was clear that the pair of shoes I left at the door, had other plans. I really do not know, but maybe they left the shoes of others, because all were able to escape from the shoe rack. My husband said he committed the local prison, if the blame on his shoes again.

I soon learned to live withScarpa my messy habits. Of course I know that the shoes do not really conspired against me, and I know that I am responsible for leaving around. But I'm not going to admit him, because I can do what I want, until it cleans up its act. The shoe rack in the closet still holds two pairs of shoes, but are the shoes I never wear. Scrapbook supplies now fill the rest of the bag. Well, at least it is for something good.

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