Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Great Price International Playthings E00132 for

Curiosity Cube Review

When I saw this toy at the toystore, I myself was fascinated by it. So, I knew my then-9-month-old would too. He has had this toy for two months and plays with it everyday. He can really get caught up in it, turning it around. If he gets fussy, I will bring it over and mesmerize him with the spinny wheel. We also like to run the shapes along the maze, and slide the abacus around. It's a really cool toy that doesn't have any lights or music - BONUS! It seems really sturdy - the thing takes a lot of abuse, even has been used to support his full weight (Okay, that's only 18 pounds).

Curiosity Cube Feature

  • 9 to 24 months
  • This multi-activity toy is ideal for stimulating early cognitive and fine-motor skills
  • Unbreakable mirror provides excellent visual stimulation and encourages self-recognition
  • Sliding "abacus" disks help to develop fine motor control and introduce counting

Curiosity Cube Overview

9 to 24 months. This multi-activity toy is ideal for stimulating early cognitive and fine-motor skills. Everything baby touches makes something happen: a clicking dial to turn with mesmerizing graphics, moving bead maze for hand-eye coordination, turn the cube over to see the colored disk spiral down. Turn cube over again and spin the transparent "rainstick" tube to see the little balls tumble down through the sections. The unbreakable mirror provides excellent visual stimulation and encourages self-recognition. The sliding "abacus" disks help to develop fine motor control and introduce counting.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Aug 17, 2010 16:05:15

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