Friday, April 30, 2010

Check Out Pirate Wash Glove - DISCONTINUED

Pirate Wash Glove - DISCONTINUED Review

Pirate Wash Glove - DISCONTINUED Feature

  • Materials: terry
  • Measurements: packaging 7 x 6 x 1 inches
  • Care: washable at 60°C/140°F
  • Made in China

Pirate Wash Glove - DISCONTINUED Overview

Super soft wash glove made from 100% cotton with sewn-on pirate applique. Washable.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 30, 2010 20:45:12

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A Short Story For Children

In the village of Trimble, at the end of the street opposite the village green, stands a dirty old house. Inside, Kronk the meanest gnome in the land, rubbed a hole in the ice that had formed on the inside of his window and peered out. The permanent scowl on face deepened making him look meaner and even more unfriendly than normal.

Outside the winter snow had arrived and the folks in the village were out enjoying themselves. Sledges whizzed down fairy hill, snowball fights were going on everywhere and several of the elves were busy building snowmen on the village green. Kronk growled, the one thing that he hated more than snow was seeing people having fun. He really was the meanest, most miserly and unfriendly gnome you ever did see.

On the green right opposite Kronk's front window, Peter the elf and his friend Pod were hard at work building a snowman. They had been at it all morning and were determined that it would be their best snowman ever. Later when they had finished they stood back to admire their handy work. The snowman was very tall, as high as they could reach on tiptoes and his body was round and plump. He had a large round head, with black pebble eyes, a carrot nose and a smiling mouth made with a lot of smaller stones. 'He's great, but he needs something else to finish him off,' said Peter.

'I've got my granddad's old fishing hat, the one with the lovely green feathers,' said Pod.

'Great, and I've got an old yellow and red scarf to go round his neck,' said Peter.

'We could put a row of stones down his front to look like buttons on a coat, said Pod.

'OK,' said Peter. 'You get the hat and come around to my house. I'll get the scarf and I'll heat us a nice warming bowl of soup.'

Peter who was a very good cook had made a big pan of vegetable soup yesterday and when he got home all he had to do was to pop the pan on the stove and let it heat up. Pod who was really good at growing things in his garden had given the vegetables to Peter and as always, the two friends would share the soup between them.

'Good, I'm cold now that we've stopped building the snowman and I'm really hungry too.'

'Me too, let's go,' said Peter.

At home Peter placed the pan of soup on the stove, put a new log on the fire and took down the scarf from the hook behind the front door. Ten minutes later there was a knock and Pod popped his head around the door. 'Sorry I took so long but I had a job finding the hat. I thought it was in the cupboard and then I remembered I'd put it on the scarecrow in the back garden.

Peter smiled; his friend was sometimes a little forgetful. 'Never mind, you've got it now, take your coat off and go and sit by the fire, I'll bring you some soup.'

Pod sat down in one of the two chairs in front of the fire, Peter poured out two bowls of soup, handed one to Pod and picking up the other bowl sat in the chair next to his friend. There was silence, apart from the odd slurp, as they ate their soup and when they were finished they were warm inside as well as out.

Peter was a tidy little elf and after lunch he washed the bowls and spoons and put them back in the cupboard. 'There, that's done, now we can go and finish off the snowman.'

Once back at the green they dressed the snowman in the hat with the lovely green feather and wrapped the long yellow and red scarf around his neck. The hat was a little on the small side, because Pod's granddad, was an elf and elves are ever so small. But apart from that, Peter and Pod both agreed that the snowman looked very grand indeed. In fact they were so please that they did a little dance and as the danced they made up a little song.

Snowman, snowman cuddly and fat
We really love your feathered hat,
Feathered hat, feathered hat,
We really love your feather hat,
It suits you oh so well.

Snowman, snowman big and strong
We really love your scarf so long
It's so long; it's so long,
We really love your scarf so long,
It will keep you warm.

That night when Peter and Pod were fast asleep in bed, a dark shadowy figure crept up to the snowman and with a growl swiped the green feather hat from its head. After jumping on the hat the figure unwound the scarf, pulled out the snowman's nose, knocked his head flying and kicked the rest of him into bits.

The next morning when they went down to the green and found their snowman destroyed, Peter and Pod were very sad. In fact Peter was so upset that he had to have a sit down on a nearby stump of a tree. 'Who would do such as spiteful thing?' cried Pod.

Peter who was facing Kronk's house saw the curtains at the window twitch and suddenly had an idea who it could be. 'Kronk is spying on us from behind his curtains I bet he is the one that did it.'

'What are we going to do?' asked pod.

Peter sat on the stump thinking hard. After a minute or so, he said, 'We'll build the snowman again, but this time ...' he stopped and then whispered the rest of the plan in Pod's ear so that no one could hear.

Pod laughed. 'When are we going to do it?'

'Tomorrow morning, we'll start while it is still dark, so that Kronk can't see what we are doing.'

The following morning when Kronk looked out of his window he was surprised to see Peter and Pod building another snowman. They must have started very early, because they already had most of the body built. Kronk watched them for most of the day and the more they built the more he scowled and growled beneath his breath.

Peter and Pod went home when they were finished. But they sneaked back just before it got dark and hid in the bushes at the edge of the green. They didn't have to wait long; as soon as it was dark a shadowy figure crept up to the snowman, knocked off his head and then began to kick at the snowman's body. Soon a lot of the body had fallen, but the middle refused to move. The figure moved back and took a running kick at the middle and began to hop about on foot shouting, 'Ouch! Ooya! Ouch! Ouch! Oh my foot! Oh my toe! Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! Soon everyone in the village came out to see what was going on and in the light from Peter's torch, there was Kronk hopping around on one foot. 'What has happened?' they asked.

'Kronk sneaked out after dark and kicked down our snowman,' said Peter.

'But why is he hopping about like that?' they wanted to know.

'Because when he kicked down our first snowman, we built our second one over the old tree stump,' said Peter.

Everyone laughed, said it was his own fault and went back indoors, leaving Kronk to hop his way home on one leg.

Peter, Pod and the rest of the elves built lots more snowmen that winter and Kronk never touched one of them. In fact he didn't leave the house again until spring came around and when he did he walked with a limp.

Copyright Fred Watson

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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Great Price Gertie Ball 01052 SW for

Tie Dye Gertie Bal Review

Tie Dye Gertie Bal Feature

  • Soft, squishy, huggable feel!

Tie Dye Gertie Bal Overview

You're going to love our grooviest Gertie ever! With wild colors for crazy play, it's a rainbow of bouncy fun! Color may vary from pink or blue swirl combinations! All ages Ball: 9" Diameter

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 29, 2010 19:05:11

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Fashion Avenue Barbie Doll Hollywood Premiere Gown Set

Fashion Avenue Barbie Doll Hollywood Premiere Gown Set Review

Fashion Avenue Barbie Doll Hollywood Premiere Gown Set Feature

  • Introduced in 2000
  • No Longer available from Mattel
  • Fashion Avenue Series Clothing for Barbie

Fashion Avenue Barbie Doll Hollywood Premiere Gown Set Overview

In this set you will receive the following:Red gown with faux fur collar/stole, matching purse, and shoes.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 29, 2010 03:25:08

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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Transport Wood With a Log Holder

Fireplaces are making a comeback after almost a decade of being out of fashion. People altogether stopped adding fireplaces in their homes and offices because they were wary of the old designs and features and were more interested in electric heaters or in some cases, artificial fireplaces. Things have changed and people are reverting back to the originals. Fireplaces are necessary given the extreme winters in most parts of Europe and the United States.

If you are planning to install a fireplace in your house then it's time to look for log holder as well. You will need these holders to transport wood from your car to your fireplace and to your backyard and other places. You need a place to secure your wood logs where they are free from rain and extreme humidity and there is also some protection from dust and other elements. You can easily do that by using holders.

The basic purpose of a log holder is to keep wood that is later used for burning in the fireplace. You can transport wood from your car in a cart or any other device and you can later place it in a holder. Some varieties have wheels installed to them and they are better equipped to carry woods from your car; they are equally good to be placed near your wood place as you can easily pick some logs and put them in the burning chamber. They truly serve the two-in-one purpose.

You need to keep certain things in mind before you install these devices near your fireplace. The first thing to keep in mind is the space available near the fireplace. If you have greater space available then you will be able to use larger racks and holders. In case of smaller space, you cannot use larger varieties and you have to make do with smaller designs. It also depends on the number of times you use the fireplace. If you only use it as a means to accentuate your interior design then a small holder will be more than enough.

Holders that come with wheels can be handy for large loads. All you need to do is to buy wood from a retail outlet and transport it to your home in your car. You can later use the movable holder to transport it to your living room, bedroom, backyard or any other place where you have installed your fireplace.

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Outdoor Christmas Decorations for Your Home

During the holidays, many people take time out of their busy schedules so that they can tour their neighborhood during Christmas season. Of course, the purpose is to view the ornately decorated stores and the festive outdoor lawn decorations of various homes. Those decorations are often dazzling and brightly illuminated colorful lawn decorations of Santa Claus, a train set, or a fabulous holographic Christmas tree, and blinking multicolored fir trees. Decorating an ordinary winter lawn becomes a winter wonderland that may include a jovial snowman or reindeer running across the fresh snow. This is a great way of spreading Christmas cheer. There's nothing better than a fully decorated Christmas tree spinning on a front lawn to bring joy to a home and the people in the neighborhood. Apart from that, a well decorated home is also the best way to impress family and friends with festive outdoor Christmas decorations.

Here are a few tips to help one sort your outdoor Christmas decoration plans. The ordinary neighborhood will look very festive and celebratory, ready for upcoming family celebrations, once there is a organized plan or theme.

Outdoor Christmas decorations come in all shapes, sizes and types. If one starts outdoor decoration shopping near Christmas time, there should be a vast collection of styles and types of outdoor holiday decor to choose from. However one should take care not to overdo the whole outdoor decoration in order to avoid the overly garish look.

The key is to achieve the right balance in decorations to display a true holiday spirit without running the risk of a lawn looking like a scaled down theme park. The real challenge of course is to be able to select the correct outdoor ornaments from a variety of options available on the market.

Popular outdoor Christmas decorations such as the animated ones displaying traditional Christmas scenes like a waving St. Nicholas on a sleigh being pulled by reindeer across the snow are always a great addition to your outdoor decorations list which can be used every year. Other outdoor Christmas decorations are also available in the blow-up variety such as a smiling snowman or a beaming Santa Claus as well as some of the more toned down fare like balloons. Holographic lawn decorations are popular, as they come in a variety of styles such as Charlie Brown and Snoopy themes, Santa Claus, the Snowman, a Bell or Holly, and even a 3D Christmas Tree for your front lawn.

The exterior of a home can look bright and cheery depending on the type and amount of decorations, but for an attractive yet elegant appearance here are some following guidelines:

Decide on an outdoor theme and stick to it down to the last details without even attempting to blend in different themes. This lends a very interesting and cohesive look to your outdoors. Don't mix commercial flashy décor with a religious themed decoration.. Next, if a Nativity scene is chosen then go for traditional characters for a lovely simple theme. Similarly, if a more modern theme is chosen, then try to buy the latest and more fashionable outdoor Christmas decorations. A special festive look is a holiday greeting sign such as "Seasons Greetings," for example.

Finally, when it comes to outdoor Christmas decorations, it always helps to not allow a lawn look like a replica of all the houses down the street. In other words, be different and go for a something a bit unusual than the standard decorations. For example, a decorated palm tree in the family garden would look absolutely stunning and unique, giving an even warmer feeling for those viewing the outdoor decor. Holographic Snoopy and Charlie decorations look especially charming as they are favorites of many children during the holiday season.

In addition, the electric bill will probably be higher, so plan for that in your home budget. Make sure a proper timer is used and locate the suitable outlet which can absorb the large of amount of electricity. The above guidelines should provide some insight and thought in outdoor lawn decorating. Certainly, this will bring delight to those who view outdoor Christmas decorations. Get creative, take your time in decorating, and follow a special theme so that your home will be remembered as a very special place of interest during the holidays.

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Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Current Trends In Women's Fashion

Looking for the hottest trends in women's fashion for spring - and summer - of 2008? No one can predict the future, but knowing the fashions that are hot right now can help predict what will be hot next... and looking fashionable in the meantime is good, too.

So, what's popular now? Well, that's an easy question!

Bright Colors

The past winter has been too cold for everyone. With spring here, and summer around the corner, lots of bright colors are being introduced into our closet.

Colors that reflect spring are seen on many women, and who can blame them? It's a great look - how can you honestly be in a bad mood when you're dressed in bright, beautiful clothing?

Bold Patterns

Gone are the days of when we fashionista's were scared of patterns - now, designers are draping us in bold, bright patterns that scream 'we're here! Get used to us!', and many experts expect this trend in women's fashion to continue for a while.

When looking into some popular patterns, check out those with bright colors, bold designs, and contrasting colors. Not only will you look great, but you'll be a focal point in a room.


Feel like you did when you were five, and your mother stuffed you into a dress that had more ruffles than you could count? Too bad - because with trends for women's fashion this year, ruffles are back with a vengeance.


The underlining tone of all of our fashions this year is looking feminine. You can tell in the bright colors, flowing dresses, and ruffles that women are ready to say 'we're here, we're women, and we look great'.

Spring for outfits with see through fabric, lace, ruffles, and the overall look that's delicate, feminine, and sexy. You won't be sorry!

Maxi Dresses

So many women are excited to be able to wear something that's not only fashionable, but so very comfortable. Integrating a maxi dress into your wardrobe means that you're comfortable, and looking amazing.

Because of their popularity last year, they're back - and we're loving it. You can throw on a bright maxi dress, a pair of sandals, do something light and easy with your hair, and you're out of the house. Comfortable, stylish, and very trendy.

Many people have been looking to Diane von Furstenberg for her unique and innovative maxi dresses. If you're not sure where to start the search for the perfect maxi dress, try her!

When you're buying maxi dresses, remember the keys to this spring and summer - bold, bright, flowing, and beautiful.


For the 2008 season, go bold. Go bright. Be a little more adventurous with your fashion. The current trends in women's fashion is, after all, a little 'out there'!

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Monday, April 26, 2010

Choosing the Right Dress For the Occasion

In the 1960s, it was common for a woman to wear a dress everyday. Dresses were considered a formality, representing femininity and tradition. Over time, these garments became acceptable for both casual and formal events. A dress still emanates a sense of womanliness and can be found in any color, style and fit. They flatter any age or body type.

Casual dresses are a great addition to any wardrobe. These types of garments are usually made with inexpensive fabrics, such as cotton and polyester, and require the least care. Many casual dresses are washer and dryer safe, making them the perfect choice for traveling. They are ideal for informal events, such as birthday and anniversary parties, afternoon coffee dates, or dress-down days at work.

Formal dresses, on the other hand, often require special care. Normally designed using more expensive fabrics like satin, silk, or velvet, they need to be dry cleaned. This is usually not a problem, since formal dresses are worn so infrequently, sometimes only once. These types of dresses are suitable for proms, lavish charity functions, and award ceremonies.

Sometimes it is hard to choose the proper dress when lacking details of the event. For example, a first date can be tricky. This type of occasion is usually planned by one person, which leaves the other person guessing. In this situation, it is best to choose a dress that falls somewhere in between informal and formal. No one wants to be stuck in a greasy diner sporting a pricey original or spotted at a gala wearing a cotton sundress.

Weddings fall under a category all of their own. All brides are determined to find "the perfect dress", often turning a blind eye to the time and money involved. There are so many styles and colors of wedding dresses that it is best to enlist the help of a wedding dress consultant. They are trained to narrow down the choices, recommend styles based on body type and size, and assist brides with staying on budget.

Another consideration for choosing the right dress is season. Dress styles change with the seasons; tank and short-sleeved dresses are better suited to late spring or summer, while long-sleeves provide warmth for fall and winter. Materials also correspond with the season, making light, breathable cotton a good choice for warmer months and heavier knits, such as wool, more appropriate for the colder months.

With any occasion, it's a good idea to consider the appropriateness of some dresses. A low-cut garment should never be worn to a wedding and a dress with an extremely short skirt will not be well-received at Grandma's birthday.

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Great Price for

Bath Toy Bag ~ Under the Sea Review

Bath Toy Bag ~ Under the Sea Feature

  • Keep toys organized with this bath-toy bag
  • Attaches via suction cups with characters
  • Expandable bag holds many bath toys

Bath Toy Bag ~ Under the Sea Overview

The Especially for Baby under the Sea Bath Toy Bag, helps keep toys and accessories organized. The colorful crab and octopus suction cups provide a convenient attachment so the durable mesh bag can be hung in an easy-to-reach place. Bag measures approximately 12"W x 14"L.

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Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fashion Jewelry - What's Hot And What's Not This Year

You can come across the most stimulating designs and trends in jewelry in Europe. The unique and striking pieces of jewelry can be found in places like Greece, Italy, Spain or even Germany.

It is interesting to get into tiny goldsmith shops in foreign lands and see what all they have to offer. Goldsmiths from foreign countries exchange knowledge with one another. If you can get to the "mother lode" in Germany, you would be able to get your hands on the latest fashion trends and designs in gold and diamonds. Also, you would be able to come across amazing designs in silver and colored stones and colored gems.

You must have seen observed that the prices of precious metal such as platinum and gold have hit the highest point quite recently and Euro-silver jewelry is crafted in a better manner as compared to a majority of Mexican silver jewelry. It does not just last longer, but it is also available at a great price for all the people who are very conscious about the price of the jewelry.

The hottest fashion that is at present all round the global is the look of long earrings or chandeliers. The yester-years shoulder length earrings have come back into fashion and are available in the market. It does not matter if it is silver or gold, ancient or even the most recent design, everything is in vogue now.

Jewelry that contains diamonds or is without any diamonds or colored-stones creates an individual style statement. Two tone gold pieces i.e. yellow and white gold mixtures are extremely popular in Marco. The hottest trend at present includes pendants, bracelets, slides for omegas, and anklets. Blending in various colors of gold in this day and age is very trendy.

However, in the previous years this kind of combination was thought to be quite tacky. Platinum along with 18 karat yellow gold is fiery hot and can send your bank account up in flames. Platinum has hit its all time highest point at an average of $770 per ounce!

As a matter of fact at present long chains are not at all hot. Turquoise used to be extremely hot a year back, however, at present it is not. Plain colored stone rings are being sold once more. Tennis bracelets are as sturdy as ever. Besides, the three stone diamond pendants would be the flavor of the season yet another time in the approaching holidays. You would be surprised to know that the yester year fashion of gold coin jewelry has come into vogue again.

Trends change with the changing times, however excellent quality jewelry holds goods through the trial of time. Even though a trendy jewelry fashion goes away for a phase, it in no way falls short of returning once again, and when it does, you would already have a piece of jewelry that is in vogue. A lot of jewelry fashion begins within the elite and glamorous circuit. Keeping an eye on the jewelry that celebrities flaunt allows you to stay in touch with the hottest and latest fashion.

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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dancing Dressing Doll

Cute pink singing wiggles rabbit electric toy! The wiggles toy powered by batteries, when you press the left hand of the rabbit, it will singing with dancing action, very funny and cute! It is the best gift choice for your kid! Source:

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Friday, April 23, 2010

Banani Bazaar

Banani is an elite area of Dhaka city where marketing, life style and shop contents parallel the developed world. This area is based on luxury consumption and is full the head offices of global companies, private universities and school as well as hotels, restaurants, fashion houses, entertainment centers and global brand shops. Here the life is fast, expensive and enjoyable compared to other places in Dhaka, except for Gulshan and Dhanmondi. Banani Bazaar includes Kamal Attaturk Avenue, Alam Plaza and the General Market. The Banani General Market was built in 1970 in the form of an E and it was known as Banani Hawker Market. However, in 2006 the market shifted to its present location by the Dhaka City Corporation and the open air market replaced with the shopping complex. There are 104 shops in this market. Grocery items, vegetables, fish, meat and daily needed products are on sale here. This market opens at 7:00 AM and closes at 10:30 PM. Some tea-stalls and fruits shops sit in front of the market. The market also has a parking area in front The first two floors of Alam Bhaban are famous for stationery, hardware, electronics, crockery, restaurants and beauty salons. The rest of floors of this multi-storied center are used as office space. Bangladesh UAE Maitry Shopping Complex, which forms part of the Banani complex, is famous for global brand products. There are total sixty shops in the three floors shopping mall. All shops of this market are well decorated and full of ...

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Toy Planes - Which One to Buy?

There are so many kinds of toy planes: from a child's plastic model to a kit plane made from balsa wood an enthusiast's scale model that really flies.

The most basic toy planes for children are exactly that: toy planes. They are often brightly coloured, with faces and buttons that make funny plane noises, and their construction is far more imaginative than it is realistic. The only way for these planes to fly is for the child to pick them up and wave them around - or maybe throw them across the room. These kind of toy planes make great gifts for your kids, as children think flying is great.

If your kids like crafts, then you might consider buying them a basic Airfix kit, or something similar. These kits come with pieces of wood or card, glue, and instructions for assembling your own plane. While the plane you end up with isn't usually that great, the child will love it because they built it themselves.

When children get a little older, though, they start wishing that their planes could really fly, and that's where the next level comes in. Some wooden kit planes come with a battery to power them and a remote control, and are actually capable of taking off, flying and landing. These planes are not necessarily hugely expensive, and it is really amazing to see something you built yourself flying, no matter how old you are.

If you like that, and you're good at building things, then you might like remote-controlled plane building as a hobby. These enthusiast-level planes have real petrol engines, and can fly very fast - they're really not much different to real planes in their construction. However, it can be an expensive hobby, as these planes crash just like the real thing, too, leaving huge amounts of money and work in ruins.

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Burnham Bowl Collectibles Show

Like comics/movies/toys/games/collectibles/clothing/cards/models/anything that has some value to the geek within you? Then get your butt to the Burnham Bowl Collectibles Show, a bi-monthly event! You never know what you will find at each appearance, but whatever you see will be sure to appease you. Like the song? You can download it from Newgrounds! Old footage once again, so don't get too excited. This occurred a year ago on October 5th, though I'm convinced that this is still going on (or at least in some fashion). At least it's finally finished and out of my conciesnce. More on that later... Also, this is where old information (and photos) can be seen about the Burnham Bowl gathering...

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Ebel 1911 BTR Perpetual Calendar Chronograph Review

The Ebel 1911 BTR perpetual calendar chronograph is not merely a timekeeping machine, instead it is a remarkable demonstration of inventive creation. Bearing the combining quintessence of modern architecture and technical creative, the timepiece is undeniably an ingeniously artistic creation. This is an ostentatious and stunningly appealing fashion accessory from the top Swiss watchmaker Ebel with a fine combination of gracious, intricacies, fashion and fustian. It is a second to none choice for those men who prefer a wristwatch which is a refined blend of modern architectural design and exceptional technical dexterous. Here I would talk about some highlighting features of the watch.

This timepiece is powered by Caliber 288, an accurate movement that is able to keep record respective periods of time with 1/8 second accuracy. Unlike other common watches, this artless masterwork steadily, readily and faithfully keeps not only the date, day and month but also the exotic sections of the moon.

Setting upon the interactive style of steel and glass, the various oscillations of time of the four perpetual calendars are crisply readable.

The dial is measured at a diameter of 32 mm, and it features each simplex movement of time with exceptional readability and legibility. The four sapphire crystal counters with a metallic matte look further add a metallic matte look with much clearer readability of the dial.

It also features a 12 superluminova hour-markers that are prominently apparent against the dial rim. The gold plated and diamond-polished skeleton hour and minute hands add extra charm to the exclusive fantasy of the dial.

It is encasing in a 44.5 mm stunning hexagonal shape case. The five invigorative screws drastically enhance the overall appearance and strength of the case. The alligator leather strap with scoring hook and eye is also eye dazzling with hand-sewn over-stitching on the strap.

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Baby Expo 2010 (детская выставка)

Номенклатура выставочного Форума BABY Expo охватывает все аспекты жизнедеятельности, развития и воспитания ребенка от рождения до подросткового возраста, кроме того, в экспозиции представлены одежда и товары для беременных и кормящих женщин. Тематически Форум объединяет три специализированные выставки: BABY Toys, BABY & Mother health, BABY Fashion.

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Monday, April 19, 2010

Great Price Manhattan Toy 117820 for $12.99

Manhattan Toy Cirque du Soleil Zambooli Plush Toy Review

Manhattan Toy Cirque du Soleil Zambooli Plush Toy Feature

  • Inspired by a partnership between Manhattan Toy and Cirque du Soleil
  • This fun and funky character will hug its way into your young ones heart
  • Made of soft, surface washable fabrics
  • Celebrates the creative spirit, promotes self-expression and inspires imaginative play
  • Let your dreams take flight

Manhattan Toy Cirque du Soleil Zambooli Plush Toy Overview

Fun and funky, Zambooli hugs its way into young hearts, sure to set imaginations aloft. Let your dreams take flight!15" Tall.

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Barbie Doll - A Representation of the Modern Woman

There is more to Barbie than merely being a stylish doll, a sought-after collectible, or a well-known toy around the globe. Barbie is a society icon. She upholds the rights of women and fights for what is right in behalf of people all over the world. She has taken on a variety of roles, that of a princess, a ballerina and a presidential bet.

Made known to the public in 1959, Barbie was introduced in New York at the American International Toy Fair. She was dressed in a zebra striped swimwear and was given the title, "Teenage Fashion Model". Prior to her existence, little girls acting as mommies had only baby dolls as their "babies" to play with.

In 1961, Barbie met her little sibling, Skipper. She also made friends with Ken, Midge (who became her best friend) and Allan. Barbie's family eventually grew bigger. She soon had twin siblings -- Tutti and Todd. Also, she had horses, cats, dogs and many other animals as her pets.

Aside from her outfits and shoes, mansions and vehicles were created for Barbie. Ken never gave her such luxurious things. No, those cars, mansions and jewelries were not from him. Barbie acquired them all by herself from being a career woman. This depicted a realistic picture for little girls to see that a woman doesn't need a man to take care of her.

An independent woman that she was, she was capable of buying expensive and branded things for herself. However, she lived a more meaningful life other than living a life of luxury. Aside from being able to become a dentist, she has been able to teach people and treat sick animals. She has played societal roles -- soldier, ambassador for peace, a UNICEF representative, policewoman, firefighter, chef, and a paleontologist. Apart from being a flight stewardess, she even had a license to fly planes!

Barbie has shown that because of her undertakings, little girls can too become like her -- a woman who achieved her dream by putting her heart and mind into it. Barbie is not a mere American doll. She has been a cultural advocate, having taken the roles of a Spanish flamenco dancer, a princess of the Vikings, and a South African lady, which is one of the many reasons she is adored by children.

It is not surprising that one day, Barbie will represent each culture through her clothing and appearance. Designers and stylists alike want Barbie to put on their clothing this year. Movies become blockbuster hits if Barbie joins their cast.

Barbie has shown respect to Shakespeare's plays, King Arthur's tales, The Wizard of Oz, and Twilight. She is an inspiration to little girls worldwide that women can be successful in whatever role they have in life. She has inspired them to be independent and strong so that they will grow to be individuals capable of changing the world to a much better place to live in.

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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Barbie Totally Tattoos Nikki

Barbie Totally Tattoos Nikki Review

I got this for my niece for Christmas. The tatto gun is a lot of fun, just don't put too much water in it. The only thing that surprised me was I thought the barbie was just tan, but she's pretty dark. I thought it was pretty funny though, my niece goes to Catholic school so I figured she could use a little ethnicity in her life!

Barbie Totally Tattoos Nikki Feature

  • Over 40 easy, no mess tattoos
  • Decorate Barbie doll's fashions
  • Choose from Barbie or Nikki dolls
  • Both dolls include additional fashions, tattoo stamper and tattoos
  • Customize the fashions and apply the fun temporary tattoos on you too

Barbie Totally Tattoos Nikki Overview

    Over 40 easy, no mess tattoos to design and decorate Barbie doll's fashions! Customize the fashions and apply the fun temporary tattoos on you too! Choose from Barbie or Nikki dolls, both include additional fashions, tattoo stamper and tattoos.

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 18, 2010 15:50:09

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    Saturday, April 17, 2010

    Fashion Of The 1940s And Industry

    The fashion industry is a cut-throat industry. Often aspiring designers can't just climb their way to the top, they have to claw their way there, and most never make it. However don't be discouraged, a handful of them do make it. I think that it would be the more career savvy decision for you to move to the United States, preferably New York City. However, the choice is yours. Montreal and Toronto are both modern, great cities that I'm sure would have plenty of opportunities. However, if you really want this, my advice would be to move to NYC. I don't really know if successful European and American designers travel to Canada to help students, but I'm sure if you enroll in a fine design school in Canada you would have some designer guests, as most schools do.

    The International Academy of Design and Technology (located in both Toronto and Montreal), the Ontario College of Art and Design, the Seneca College of Applied Arts & Technology, and the Superior Fashion School of Montreal are all great schools that you might want to look into, if you haven't already. I have no idea as to what your odds are when it comes to working with designers like Dior and Dolce and Gabbing, nobody can really determine that.

    It's all really a matter of how badly you want it, and how hard you are willing to work. I don't really think the five best fashion jobs in Canada differ from the five best fashion jobs in any other country. Also, I don't think anyone can determine what the five best fashion jobs are in any major country/city, as it is all just a matter of taste. Merchandising, marketing, photography, journalism....the list is endless. Fashion in Canada is nowhere near as in demand fashion is in Europe and the USA. If you want the REAL fashion industry, head to New York, Paris, or Milan.

    The 1940's was a very glamorous era in the history of fashion. The stars of the day that you would probably be interested in researching would be: Katharine Hepburn, Gary Cooper, Joan Crawford, Spencer Tracy, Vivien Leigh, Judy Garland, Cary Grant, Lauren Bacall, and Humphrey Bogart. Each of these stars had a style all their own. Kate Hepburn, especially helped usher in a new style, in that she always wore slacks, she was hardly ever seen in gowns or skirts, this was extremely rare for that day, she was definitely ahead of her time. Women of the 1940's emulated what they saw on the screen. For instance, women had their eyebrows either tweezed or painted on very thin and very defined.

    They also wore their lipstick in what was called a "cupid's bow" which was where the upper lip was accentuated rather than the fuller, bottom lip.

    The hair was worn in a loose "finger wave." If you really want to see a true lady of the 1940's, I suggest you rent the movie "Chinatown," Faye Dunaway's character Evelyn really captures a woman of the 1940's.

    Back to clothing, silk stockings were a wardrobe staple for any 1940's woman. However, the United States was rationing silk, being in the midst of World War II. So the only silk stockings woman could get their hands on had a very noticeable line down the back of them. In order to hide this, women would take a permanent marker and draw down the back of their legs in order to hide the large run in their stockings.

    The basic silhouette for women from the 40's was broad shoulders, a small corseted waist and full hips. Fabrics were very light as many new synthetics were being introduced. Also, while Hollywood glamour was very 'in', the US was at war at the time, rationing was in effect and many women were not able to afford things like pantyhose and stockings. One thing women did at the time was draw a line of the back of the leg to make it look like they were wearing stockings, even if they weren't. (silk stockings had seams). Shoes had a heel and a slight platform. Round toes, peep toes and ankle straps were common. If you're looking for famous 40's women to model your look after I'd look for images of Veronica Lake, Rita Hayworth or Ingrid Bergman. All had the classic '40's' look.

    One of the most effective ways of communicating 40's fashion is through hair and make-up. Hair was worn long, smooth with intricate finger waves. Make-up was striking and simple. A dramatically arched brow, liquid black liner (ONLY on the upper lid) and bright classic red lipstick. But very matte, no gloss ever. You mentioned the New Look, but that style didn't debut until the late 40's and didn't become more popular until the 50's. With the new look shoulder silhouettes became more 'soft', the waist was worn more tightly corseted and hips became even fuller.

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    How to Draw a Christmas Scene

    Drawing a Christmas scene is quite an open-ended choice, limited only by one's own creativity. However, conceptualizing an idea and planning the execution are essential, as your attempt here would be to organize several disparate elements in your frame. Following steps will guide you about how to create a magnificent holiday scene out of your imagination:

    • Location. The logical first step is to decide upon whether you want an indoor or outdoor picture, as the choice of the components and their placements will vary accordingly.

    • Elements. As mentioned earlier the elements indoor shall be different from the elements outdoors. In an outdoor layout, a snowman, snow covered pathways, houses with chimneys (preferably hut designs), tall trees (Christmas tree shaped); Birch trees, falling snowflakes, etc. may be placed. Christmas indoors include a prominent Christmas tree, socks, wreath decorations, lights, decorative candles, a fireplace, sofa set & table, partial Christmas feast or snacks, and so on.

    • Layout. Once you have decided upon the items, organize them into coherent scenery. Mark basic geometrical shape to represent each item on your drawing base. For outdoors, begin with the ground structure - well-defined streets (urban) or a continuous patch of undulating land (rural). Place your houses and trees systematically. Triangles placed over rectangles/cuboids form the basic structure for hut-like houses. Usually, Christmas landscapes are depicted in the nighttime, but you may choose a day setting, as per your preference.

    Christmas tree is the biggest and most prominent feature in the interiors. Place your tree on the either side of the frame to create space for the other objects. To portray warmth during the Christmas season, brightly burning wood in the fireplace is an essential part. Position the fireplace with hanging socks, adjacent to the tree and the sofa set & table in the front of the fireplace. You may use decoration on the walls and elsewhere in any manner. The skeletal shape for the tree is a large triangle resting over two vertical bars. Similarly, use rectangle for fireplace, cubes/cuboids for sofa, circles for wreathes, curves for hanging decorations, and the like.

    • Christmas tree. After creating the fundamental triangle, draw a five-pointed start at the top. The leaves are then pictured in layers that keep increasing in width along the slant of the main triangle. However, do not attempt to draw individual leaflets; the outlines of the layers would suffice. How to adorn the Christmas tree is again a matter of personal choice. Nevertheless, traditional embellishments, including ornaments in solid tones or color bands, lights, candy sticks, sweets, toys, etc. form an integral part of the decorations. Wrapped gifts under the tree complete festive touché and are easy to sketch. Therefore, you can be generous with their numbers.

    • Details. The final steps would be to add details to your base drawings and set them in bright seasonal colors.

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    Friday, April 16, 2010

    FunCopters at the Reunion

    These are some toy paper helicopters that I picked up in Ann Arbor at the Art Fair. They come packed in a launching tube and you blow them out of the tube with your breath.

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    Halloween Hip BARBIE Doll w Bracelets For YOU!! (2006)

    Halloween Hip BARBIE Doll w Bracelets For YOU!! (2006) Review

    Halloween Hip BARBIE Doll w Bracelets For YOU!! (2006) Feature

    • Halloween Hip Barbie Doll is a 2006 Mattel production.
    • Includes: Barbie Doll approx. 11.5" tall w/blond hair & blue eyes. Doll wears a black Witch Hat, an orange Top w/black cat decal on front, a long denim Skirt w/orange thread trim, & a pair of Boots. Comes with (2) Bracelets (orange & black) for YOU!
    • For Ages 3+ Years. All provided sizes, colors & details are to the best of my ability, approximate & may vary.
    • For the Box Condition Information, see CONDITION NOTE/Comments section or email Seller for details.
    • Great for any collection, as a gift or for fun play!

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 16, 2010 12:05:05

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    Top Ten Outside Toys for Kids Under Twelve

    If you are a parent then you are likely to know that summertime can be a difficult time. Parents of children under the age of twelve are constantly dealing with children who are bored. There are only so many activities a child can do inside. That is why it is important for children to play outside during the summer.

    Playing outside in the summertime is fun, but many children can easily become bored without a few outdoor summer toys. If you are the parent of a child who is younger than twelve, you have a number of options when it comes to buying outdoor toys. Below is a list and small summary of ten of the most popular outside toys for children under the age of twelve.

    (1) Sand and Water Activity Tables

    Sand and water activity tables are tables that allow children to play in the sand or in the water almost at the same time. Most tables are divided into two sections. A large number of companies make sand and water activity tables; therefore, you can purchase a wide variety of different table designs. Most sand and water tables are designed for children aged three and up.

    Average Price: $45 - $75

    (2) Outdoor Water Sprinklers

    For years now, outdoor water sprinklers have been how many children without pool access have stayed cool during the summertime. Outdoor water sprinklers come in all different styles. Traditional sprinkler systems can be purchased; however, large beach balls, plastic animals, and other popular cartoon characters can be used as a sprinkler system. All outdoor water sprinklers require water hookup through a garden hose.

    Average Price: $5 - $30

    (3) Water Guns

    Similar to the above mentioned water sprinklers, water guns are a fun way for children without a pool to stay cool. Water guns come in all different shapes, sizes, and styles. You can purchase a water gun that fits into the palm or your hand or you can get one that is so big it is about waist tall. Large water guns tend to have more force when it comes to dispensing the water. This means that most large water guns are not safe for children under the age of five.

    Average Price: $10 - $20

    (4) Slip and Slide Water Toys

    Slip and slides are known as small water slides. They have been a popular outdoor summer toy for children under the age of twelve for years now. Slip and slides work best on a hill, but with running water a child can have fun even on a flat surface. Many slip and slides are sold with a sprinkler system or a miniature wading pool for extra fun.

    Average Price: $10 - $25

    (5) Inflatable Water Slides

    Until recently, the above mentioned slip and slide water toys were the only water slides designed for home use without a pool. Now large water slides are being sold online and in department stores across the country. These slides are inflatable and they can go as high as ten feet in the air. They come with a miniature pool at the bottom. Due to their large size, most water slides are designed for children over the age of four or five.

    Average Price: $200 - $300

    (6) Sandboxes

    Currently, sandboxes sit in millions of backyards all across the country. When filled with sand, sandboxes offer hours of fun for the whole family. Sandboxes can come in a traditional box size or they can come as large plastic animals. Large plastic turtles and crabs are most popular with children under the age of five.

    Average Price: $45 - $100

    (7) Teeter Totters

    Many parents and children mistakenly believe that teeter totters are only meant for the park. The truth is that there are a large number of teeter totters that are designed for backyards of all sizes. Large teeter totters can often be hooked into the ground; therefore, making it safe for older children or adults to use. Smaller teeter totters that are transportable and designed for children under the age of 10 can also be purchased.

    Average Price: $40 - $80

    (8) Grill and Grill Accessories

    Toy grills are becoming one of the most popular outdoors toys to hit the market. A large number of companies make these grills; therefore, there is a large selection of different styles at most retail stores. The grills can come in all different sizes with talking pieces, plastic food, and other grill accessories. These toy grills allow children to feel like a grownup while they cook right alongside their parents.

    Average Price: $20 - $60

    (9) Children's Wheelbarrow and Garden Accessories

    A children's wheelbarrow can be used for a number of fun outdoor activities. Children can use a wheelbarrow to move their toys or help their parents in the garden. Most wheelbarrows can be purchased with additional garden accessories for extra fun. Children's wheelbarrows come in all different shapes and sizes; therefore, children of all ages can have fun with this great outdoor toy.

    (10) Bubbles

    Bubbles have always been considered fun outside toys, but the creation of additional bubble toys have made them even more fun. In addition to traditional bubbles, there are now bubble-making machines. These machines can often produce hundred of bubbles in just a few minutes. There are also machines that can be used to create huge bubbles. In addition to bubble-making machines, there are also other bubble accessories that can create unique bubble shapes and much more.

    Average Price: $5 - $20

    All of the toys mentioned above are the top ten most popular outside toys for children under the age of twelve. The good news is that almost all of these toys are reasonably priced and great for backyards of just about any size. Why let your child suffer through a boring summer when a large number of fun outdoor toys are all within your reach?

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    Thursday, April 15, 2010

    Little Kelly Halloween Becky As Dragon 2005 NIP

    Little Kelly Halloween Becky As Dragon 2005 NIP Review

    Little Kelly Halloween Becky As Dragon 2005 NIP Overview


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    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 15, 2010 18:05:06

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    Check Out Discovery Exclusive Phil Harmonic ™ Audio Developer for $49.95

    Discovery Exclusive Phil Harmonic ™ Audio Developer Review

    I was into this toy more than my kids. I like the music selections for Stage 1. They are so soothing. Neither of my kids got into the games for the older stages (6-18 mo.). However my nephew who is 6 enjoys the older stage games where they build songs with silly sounds.

    Discovery Exclusive Phil Harmonic ™ Audio Developer Feature

    • Batteries: Requires 3 C batteries (not included)
    • Dimensions: 16.5L X 5H X 7W inches

    Discovery Exclusive Phil Harmonic ™ Audio Developer Overview

    An interactive toy that actually grows with your child, playing different musical selections as your child matures. Grows in stages with your child, from infancy to toddler yearsStage 1 (0 – 5 months): Plays international lullabies, classical music and nature soundsStage 2 (6 – 8 months): Plays kids' songs, nursery rhymes in different voices and fun sounds that baby can alter with a button pushStage 3 (9 – 11 months): Rhymes and repeats for word recognition; plays music composed of different sounds; lights prompt baby to continue song or rhymeStage 4 (12+ months): Voice prompts encourage speech development; guides baby to compose music; encourages play with words to create original storiesInternal clock can be set to your child's ageActivities at each developmental stage prepare baby for the next stagePacked with more than 60 sounds, songs, stories and rhymesRecords and plays family messages (regardless of stage) Provides engaging light showsBaby-friendly dials and buttons activate soundsInternational lullabies from Africa, Japan and SpainClassical music from Mozart, Bach and BeethovenNature sounds include ocean waves, heartbeat and birdsRecites nursery rhymes, repetitions and word playAdjustable volumeThrough play and music, babies learn to recognize and imitate sounds, react to music and speech patterns, create music and make and play voice recordings. It's a multi-faceted toy that brings a love of music into baby's world!

    Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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    Customer Reviews

    Not What I Expected - Regina M. Powell -
    I bought this product for my granddaughter as she loves lights, sounds, music and shapes. I do not know how children of any age could learn how to use this toy because my daughter-in-law and I both had a very difficult time trying to figure it out. My granddaughter does love the lights and the sounds. I cannot see how educational this toy could possibly be for anyone younger than 14 or older.

    Keeps my baby very occupied! - S. Bunts - El Paso, TX
    I got this as a gift when my baby boy was born. I love it! The songs and rhymes are both soothing and attention grabbing. He loves watching the lights and now he is batting at the big buttons.

    Repetitive, annoying toy - greg-x - Mount Prospect, IL United States
    It seems like a great toy, and it does deliver with lights, sounds, and nice renditions of kids songs. It has a nice concept of growing with your child, too, offering new functionalities based on age.

    Unfortunately, where it falls very short is the repetitive voice that says to press a button. Most other electronic toys have an automatic shut off, rather than use a voice to remind you to push a button over and over again. It's unfortunate, but it's a significant design flaw that's annoying to parents and kids. Ours is gathering dust.

    For its high price, I cannot recommend this item.

    "Hit the lit button" - Love42 - Los Angeles, CA USA
    I was so excited to buy the Phil Harmonic when I was still pregnant and the first stage is really soothing with beautiful music. And I still used it with my baby for the first few months. But then as the stages progressed the less soothing and interesting it became. To be honest the games in the fourth stage don't even make sense! It fact it's really annoying! Rather then let the child explore the sounds and music while pushing and sliding the buttons at a normal pace, the child hears "hit the lit button" over and over and over. Sad to say this one is collecting dust somewhere in my garage.

    *** Product Information and Prices Stored: Apr 15, 2010 09:30:06

    Tags : cheap cookware sets find the best cd burner in cd burner reviews

    Wednesday, April 14, 2010

    Real Looking Baby Dolls - The Process Involved in Making a Reborn Baby Doll

    There are many real looking baby dolls but arguably the most realistic of all is the so-called "reborn" doll. These dolls are made from vinyl and they begin their life simply as a fairly ordinary doll which is firstly taken apart and then reassembled. Hence the name "reborn".

    These real looking baby dolls are now highly sought after by collectors and by keen hobbyists alike. And for good reason - for the high end dolls, an artist will spend a lot of time and effort in recreating its realistic attributes.

    After the artist has worked their craft, the resultant doll can actually represent and indeed be mistaken for a real baby. Is it any wonder why these dolls are not so much toys any longer, but rather serious works of art to be valued and treasured?

    The process is precise and it is methodical. Firstly the doll is stripped of all factory paint and/ or hair. The artist then will often begin with the hair, which tends to be Angora kid mohair. The hair is sealed from inside the head which allows it to be styled. It is then dyed.

    Next, the body is hand-painted to provide a natural skin tone coloring. Once dry, oil paints or oil-based pastels are used to further increase the authentic look of the skin. The eyebrows are added by using acrylic paints and then the lips are added in the same fashion and finished with a gloss sealer.

    Hand rooted mohair tends to be used for the eyelashes. And then the nasal cavities are opened. The toenails and fingernails are added and then sealed with white tips. Finally, the limbs are filled either with glass or plastic beads or with fine sand, which produces a realistic weight to the doll. These are then sealed with poly fill. This completes the outline of the process in which real looking baby dolls are made.

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    Interactive Toys For Kids Are Extremely Interesting

    There is an ever-increasing demand for creative and educational toys from, both, children and parents alike. The toys are no more considered as time-pass objects and now are looked up to as an interesting and creative teaching-learning medium. Almost everyday there is a new toy in the market that offers competition to the existing toys. For the sake of competition and also because of the demands made by the consumers, toys have acquired new characteristics. Electronic toys have become more popular than other types of toys as they are far more interactive than any other type of toy.

    Interactive toys like computer games, cell phones, walky-talky, robots, musical instruments etc. have found a wide market among the toy users. There was a general perception about interactive toys for children that most of the toys are boy-friendly rather than generic, like robots, electronic gadgets, computer games etc. But with the advent of new technology and bursting creativity now, the sky is the limit for the variety that toy manufacturers have to offer.

    Now you also have interactive toys that are created specially for girls or probably are likely to become more popular with girls, for example an interactive digital make up kit. Now, that truly sounds like technology and creativity coming together to offer you unlimited fun. It has an interactive keypad that works almost like a touch screen and can be plugged into the TV. You can upload your photo on it and try various hairstyles and make up tricks and also save them into a photo-booth for future reference or simply to show off to your friends.

    Thanks to Hollywood blockbusters, cartoon characters have become new heroes of our children. Interactive toys based on these characters like Spiderman and Superman etc. have also become very popular among young children. One such example is an interactive Sandman, which is a character taken from Spiderman series. It works on batteries and has multiple articulation points. The button press creates Sandman voice and other cool effects.

    For younger lots too, there is no dearth of interactive toys. The interactive screen that teaches alphabets, numbers and colors and other basic concepts is one of the traditional interactive toys available in the market. There are now far more sophisticated and revised versions of the same toy. In fact, now you can find a robot for all ages that will not only offer amusement but will also help your child learn new concepts in a creative way. Robo-Panda is one such example; it's an interactive toy that doesn't require a remote control.

    One can say it's a miniature version of a highly advanced robot that works based on theory of Artificial Intelligence and awareness. It has a touch sensor and responds to the sounds around it. It can be operated in different modes where it will talk to you, respond to your questions, sing for you, make you laugh with its jokes and also explain, in its own words, as to how to use and play with it. So if you like interactive toys, or want to gift one, then you have a whole range of toys to choose from.

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    Tuesday, April 13, 2010

    6 Ways Not To Give Up

    Mike just got back his math test from the week before. The mark he earned was a "C". He can barely hold back his disappointment, because he studied for this test for quite a long time. He just can't believe it. He feels that it doesn't even matter if he tries or not. Even when he tries really hard, he still doesn't get good marks. What is the use of trying?

    Granted, it feels very disappointing when things don't work out the way you had planned; especially when you put in a good effort.

    So how to you keep going when the going gets tough? Would you call it "quits" too if you were in Dan's shoes or would you continue to study for your tests despite the low mark received in this test?

    "The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person's determination." - Tommy Lasorda

    1. Keeping An Open Mind

    In Mike's case I hope that you would agree that it is too soon to throw in the towel. It's important that you keep trying until you get the result that you want. When you say, "I quit" you shut off your inner dynamo and your determination leaves. Giving up is the easy (and tempting) thing to do! Don't give up! Keep trying!

    The one thing that you can do in pursuing your goal is to keep an open mind. You will be more aware of ideas and opportunities around you that could help you move you closer towards your goal. Once you say "I quit" you basically are closing off your mind from any more ways to getting closer to your end result and having any breakthroughs.

    Like in the example about the math test, if Dan keeps an open mind and chooses to keep studying for tests, he may find new ways of studying - ways that work better for him to help him retain the information, because not everybody learns in the same way. There are always more ways than one to do something!

    2. Trial and Error

    One thing for you to remember when you get discouraged is that you actually tried in the first place. You made an effort! If you got a result that you didn't like, you will need to adjust your action based upon your result until you get a
    better outcome. Especially in the beginning of something, we feel overwhelmed at times and think that we will never get there. Yes, you may have temporary setbacks, but if you learn from those and change your actions you will get what you want.

    Colonel Sanders was rejected over 1000 times before someone bought his famous chicken recipe.

    The Wright brothers tried many times before taking flight.

    Thomas Edison tried to invent the light bulb over 9999 times. He said that every attempt showed him just another way
    how not to invent the electric lamp. He didn't look at it as mistakes, but as each trial as an advancement towards his ultimate goal. What a powerful mindset to have!

    The spirit of "stick-to-it-iveness" (in proper English the word is "tenacity") is the one that wins! Each time you try again, you WIN!

    3. Questions are the answer!

    When you run out of ideas it's time to start asking questions. Who do you ask the questions? Guess what, it's YOU! That's right, you have to start asking yourself the questions and you WILL come up with more answers. The trick is to ask yourself better questions so that
    you will get better answers! What do I mean by that?

    OK, let me give you an example and let's use the scenario from above about Mike and his math test. Now he could ask himself, "How come I never get a good mark? How come I can't do well in school?" The kicker is that when you ask those kinds of unhelpful questions you are going to come up with answers that are just as unhelpful like "Because I am stupid, because I'll never learn it, because I am no good, etc."

    Now let me ask you some questions:

    "Are those answers going to help you? How are they going to make you feel? Are they going to make you take action and try again?

    Here is a better way of asking yourself questions: "What can I try differently next time to help me study? "Ask questions that are geared towards getting what you want, not what you don't want. Keep the questions positive!

    For extra effectiveness, try writing the question(s) down. Ask yourself the questions before you go to sleep at night and often times the answers will come the next day as your brain had time to think about it while you were sleeping! Sounds pretty easy, doesn't it? Keep asking "better" questions and "better" answers will come!

    4. Guidance

    Here is another question. "Who can help you?"

    Is there somebody that has already achieved the same goal? Find them and ask them what they did to get there. Asking doesn't cost anything. If they won't help you, find somebody else!

    And guess what, chances are these people weren't always doing great at first. The difference is that they kept going however small the action seemed at the time. Once you have the determination to persist until you get what you want, you will become more confident in yourself as well.

    5. Excuse me!

    A sure way to keep you from starting or even continuing towards your goal is to come up with an excuse. Let's face it; there is always an excuse ready for you to use if you so choose. It's easy to come up with excuses. If you find yourself making excuses take a minute and you will see that you are really just cheating yourself!

    6. Picture it!

    I know that to make your goals a reality it most likely requires you to venture outside of your comfort zone. That can be scary and not feel very uncomfortable at first! Keep focusing on the benefit of your goal to push yourself further along.

    Take a minute whenever you feel overwhelmed and DREAM about your goal! See yourself already being there. Get a really clear picture of what you are going to look like, where you will be, and even what you will be feeling like! It's fun to dream and it will help make your dream come true!

    You deserve the best in life! You deserve to get what you are dreaming about and you alone can make it happen! It's your birthright to have it all! Nobody has the right to take that from you no matter what you have been told!

    Stay in the game. Don't give up. Don't quit. Don't succumb to pressure. You may need to take a breather every once in while to help you get back your momentum and that's OK just as long as you get back in the game again. Any dream worth having is worth persevering for! You have it inside of you to create your dreams and your future! Go for it and make it happen!

    "If you can dream it, you can do it!" -Walt Disney

    "One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great Surprises, is to find he can do what he is afraid he couldn't do." -Henry Ford

    PS: Just one last note to let you know about when it really isn't advisable to keep trying. It's when you're trying to change somebody other than yourself. It's great to help out a friend and do things for them sometimes, just know that in the end it's really their responsibility to take care of themselves and have their own goals. It's not going to work in the long run if you do it for them.

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    Some Things You Should Notice When Buying Replica Handbags

    In the modern society, most people are always on the way of searching chic things that are all about fashionable, elegant, stylish and smart. Replica handbags are one of the greatly sought-after ones. They are not restricted to the original function of holding daily essentials any more. Actually, they have become the must-have accessories for flaunting individual's fashion taste and personality. They are durable as well as affordable. Furthermore, they offer people chance of making fashion statement without spending extra penny. If you have be hooked by them, and decided to treat yourself one, there are some things you should take into consideration.

    First, though there are various kinds of replica handbags available in the market, you have to admit that finding a top grade and suitable replica item can never be an easy thing. Why? Since you have wide selection to choose from, you may feel hesitate to buy and in a dilemma to choose the right one. The easy way to solve the problem is choosing based upon your own personality and style. Never blindly keep up the fashion trend. Besides, do always remember that the most expensive one may possibly not of your style. Only the most suitable one that just perfectly fits you will make you feel special and stand out in the crowd.

    Second, you must have a clear realization about the replica and fake ones, preventing from getting into the embarrassment of buying an unauthentic imitated item. A quality replica one is almost 100% mirrored the original, and looks almost the same in any detail including design, color, hardware, zipper and stitching. It is not only perfect in appearance but also durable in function. While, a fake one that is in inferior quality would look strange and be functionally ineffective. In order to avoid from being cheated or scammed, you have to have a good look to check the one you want to buy. Actually, a poor fake one definitely doesn't deserve your any investment. Will you pay your hard-earned money on such a useless thing?

    Nowadays, you can make easy excess to replica handbags. Among the various ways of finding them, buying from online stores will offer you great convenience. If you are not an internet-surfer, you can go for entity stores to have face-to-face touch to do good examination of the products. No matter where you choose to buy from, there is one thing you should make sure: the reliability of the retailers.

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