Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Winter First Date Tips

Ice skating

A perfect way to break the ice, this is a classic winter date idea, and it's no wonder why: You get to wrap your arms around one another, have some laughs and get some fresh air and exercise. Half the fun is trying to stay standing up, and the other half is helping each other up.

Hot chocolate

Instead of meeting for coffee, make things a little sweeter. A hot chocolate date can come after some time in the snow, or can be done all on its own. Bonus: chocolate is considered an aphrodisiac - so use one hand for your warm cup and the other one to hold his.

Build a snowman or a snow fort

This first date activity will require you to work as a team, and will keep you totally relaxed and having fun - it's a great way to get to know your date without too much pressure to make conversation. If the mood is right, maybe you can start a playful snowball fight!

Get cooking

Instead of going out, make a meal of dessert together. Start by scouting a recipe you both want to try, then shop for the ingredients together and spend the night making it all perfect. The pressure of making conversation is removed when you have a recipe to follow, measuring to do and batter to stir. You'll be surprised by how much you can get to know someone by cooking with them.

Wine tasting

It's not just for the summer - many wineries are open year-round and will conduct tours and wine tastings for little or no charge. Wineries are beautiful, historic and naturally romantic and if the first date goes well you can buy a bottle for the next meal you share together.

Get some game

Cuddle up in the bleachers at a hockey game. There plenty of local leagues and most of the time the games are free to attend. Pick a team and root for together, or bet against one another and sweeten the pot with a romantic reward. Either way, you will have a great opportunity to chat and get to know each other between periods.

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