Thursday, August 5, 2010

Antique Toys

Are you a lover and collector of antique toys? Do you find yourself scouring garage sales and flea markets for anything over a hundred years old? If so, you are just one of many people across the globe in what was once a niche collecting community.

Such antique toys pull in major dollars wherever buyers are found. Naturally, with the increases role of the internet in the collectibles market, such buying and selling has taken on a whole new sort of nature. And this has sent prices even higher.

Barbie dolls are the sort of niche that commands a high price in the open collectors market. Barbie has been consistently popular for decades and that has led to the magnitude of toys that exist and the amount of interest that follows them. If you have some in good condition there is a good chance that you might be able to sell them depending on how old they are.

Another toy, obscure but popular, is the classic old jack-in-the-box. Everybody has seen them but few people can get ahold of them these days. They have experience a rise in popularity over the years due to their iconic nature and their relative obscurity.

Of course, nothing will ever overtake baseball toys in popularity. This subcategory of plaything includes everything from balls and gloves to the ever popular baseball cards. Despite economic volatility, these things never seem to decrease in value.

Know this: just because a toy is not in the highest quality condition, it doesn't mean it has lost its value. True, value is tied to the assessed state of a given item, but value is more complicated than that.

As time progresses, so does the popularity of antique toy collecting. It just never seems to be going away. It may be more aging adults looking back nostalgically to their youth or it may just be the lure of a possible investment. Whatever the case, collecting old toys is something that never seems to go out of style. Conversely, it seems to increase in popularity over time.

As always, take a closer look at the things you own. What you regard as junk may be something of inestimable value to somebody else.

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Tips For Sewing Your Own Fashions

Why spend thousands for the newest designer fashions, when you can create your own?

It is far easier than you may think.

Fashion is always a hot topic. People from France to England to the U.S. and beyond eagerly await the newest trends and styles. It is fun to see fashion shows or peruse fashion magazines. Every season brings new fashion ideas and styles.

As a sewer, you have a very special opportunity to create your own amazing fashion statement.

Not only are you able to imitate the current trends keeping your sewing projects current and timely; you can create your own special twist on current trends.

You have all the power and control in your own sewing room.

Choose the styles you like.

Make it simple, elegant, or flashy.

Make it practical, or express your wildest dreams.

One thing you can be sure of when it comes to fashion, is that it is changing. The less than flattering styles of the recent past will be replaced. The things you were thrilled about will also pass.

So what fashions can we expect for the new year?

Scan through the pages of your favorite fashion magazine and see what is there. What do you like or dislike?

It seems to me there are many interesting revivals of past styles applied is slightly new ways. Fashion often revives styles from the past with just a slight twist. You can too.

When you see the styles you really like, start thinking in terms of how you can make them your own. When you see fashion elements that you think would accent your own features, plant to take advantage of them.

You might think to yourself, I need a new pattern and it is so hard to fit a new pattern. Or you might imagine resurrecting some of those old patterns and using the parts that fit your new design.

You might even consider investing in design software like Dressmaker or Berninas new My Design. You may take a class to learn how to create your own designs or fine tune fitting.

You might consider projects like: a slim skirt, great fitting slacks, fitted jacket, wide belt, shaped t-shirts, wrapped blouses and dresses, denim projects, and all kinds of embellished projects.

Consider all the possibilities. They are endless. You can start from scratch or take a ready to wear item and convert it to something amazing. Remember, the projects you sew can produce you own distinctive fashion statement.

If it takes more than a few hours, some of us never get done. So, frequently, I will buy a cheap ready to wear garment and then do my thing. Since most ready to wear does not fit my body, I usually have to make some adjustments anyway.

So, I do. With a touch of decorative threads, metallic embellishment, sparkles, changing a collar, or even embroidery, I take ordinary and turn it into extraordinary. As sewers, we can choose to design and sew from scratch or to transform a stock item. Either way, we are able to produce our own distinctive fashions.

Recycling is a popular theme today. By recycling what we find in our closet, we can create some amazing new styles. Take a visit to your closet. Look with a designers eye. What if you changed this on that?

What if you added this to that?

Just think a few minor alterations, enhancements, or embellishments could transform an old drab closet item into your latest style. Become the envy of your fashion world. Create. Remake.

What about color?

The department stores cycle through different colors and styles based on what they think will sell. One year I wanted to buy a light green dress, but found the stores were in a blue cycle. There were no green dresses. But, I sew. So, I quickly put together my own fashion green.

Now I did not usually do it, but I could have even died my own fabric if I had wanted to. Color make a big difference. A touch here or there changes everything.

Sewing has so many great benefits. Sewing relaxes us. Sewing gives us deep inner peace. Sewing expresses our creativity. Sewing builds our self confidence. Sewing satisfies our inner passions. Fashion Sewing empowers us to create our own styles with the colors, textures, fit, design, comfort, and personal statement like nothing else.

My daughter and I were at Dillards, and we found this simple little skirt, nothing special. I lifted the price tag and was stunned - $220. After recovering for a moment, I looked a little closer, and thought to myself. I could do that. I could do that for a fourth of the price. And I did. But mine was better.

Sewing use to be hard work.

The machines were made like boat anchors and often rusted like one.

Today, sewing with the new modern convenience rich sewing machines is a breeze. Amazing convenience features have been designed to make sewing easy, fun, and satisfying. Creating your own wonderful fashion projects has never been easier.

So, what are you going to create today?

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Modular ambit angle synthesizer

modular noise unit made up of sequencers and kids toys. I'll do a module-by-module breakdown later, when it's completely finished. Still need to add in the drum module and some other stuff. it's annoying as hell but hilarious and IN A SUITCASE. HUYIUGAH.

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