Monday, February 15, 2010

Check Out Oval Xylophone by Plan Toys for $22.95

Oval Xylophone by Plan Toys Review

Oval Xylophone by Plan Toys Feature

  • Playtime Ideas: Using the mallet to pound the bars will help develop fine motor skill and stimulate eye-hand coordination.
  • Each bar produces different pitch, by telling children to pound the bars by switching the colors, will help stimulate hearing and listening, develop recognition skill and also learn about colors at the same time.
  • Pounding the bars has an effect on children ; it generates interest, develops concentration and also help to release tension within.
  • Parents should praise children when they can do it and advice if they are not able to do so.

Oval Xylophone by Plan Toys Overview

This colourful xylophone is an enjoyable way to stimulate children's natural sense of harmony and rhythm.Children have a job that they love, and that job is to play. It is during play that they learn about themselves and the world around them. From infancy through childhood, children learn, grow and express themselves creatively while they play. Plan Toys mission continues to be to create innovative educational toys for every developmental stage of childhood by incorporating thoughtful design and age-appropriate challenges to stimulate children's creativity. These toys encourage healthy social interaction, promote natural learning and instill a sense of wonder. Plan Toys shows that it is possible to maintain superior quality standards while steadfastly following a path of environmental and social responsibility.

Available at Amazon Check Price Now!

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*** Product Information and Prices Stored: Feb 15, 2010 06:40:05

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