Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Slow Down!

Today the snow covers the roads and the trees. The local public school is open, but the school bus couldn't come down the hill to lower Gibsons. So the kids on our street stayed home and made a great snowman, complete with scarf, hat and a carrot nose. The snow was just right for packing.

We walked around the neighbourhood, not attempting to climb the hill to the bluff above us as we usually do. I managed in my old running shoes, I don't have any winter boots if you can imagine that! After the walk I was entering my little studio behind the house when I noticed an older woman on cross-country skis, complete with poles, going down the lane that backs our house. I think the plowed lane approximated a groomed trail for her.

When weather like this comes our way, it's so unusual and so beautiful that it causes us to slow down, to take time out from our busy routines, from our pushing...It's a nice break. I think something happens inside us that is calming and soothing. Because we can't get about physically quite as well as usual, we feel the peace inside. We give ourselves permission to slow down.

The thing is, the peace is always there inside us if we give it a chance. In our bustle, we forget to "slow down and smell the roses". Sometimes all it takes is a deep breath and a check-in. Then we find out it's still there.

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