Sunday, March 7, 2010

Can You Afford to Be a Shopaholic?

Do you have an insatiable desire to buy things and then find they weren't really what you wanted in the first place? Do you find you buy compulsively, even when you know you can't afford it? Then you could be a shopaholic!

The term shopaholic is in truth bandied around with a humorous connotation, because lets face it we all love to buy things and sometimes when we have excess cash or even when we are in a particular mood, we take it out on the credit card.

Typically, women love to buy clothes and shoes and men go for gadgets and boys toys, both maybe expressing a desire to have the latest fashion or new toy, but the true shopaholic will buy stuff and then feel that guilty they probably won't show off their purchases to anyone else, because they know they can;t really afford them and sometimes, will even try to return their purchases without even taking them out of their wrapper.

Shopaholic behaviour has the hallmark of being obsessional and it is when we are purchasing the 150th pair of shoes knowing that 140 pairs of them have never been out of the house, that there is a problem to be resolved.

Purchasing any luxury or personal item should always give us a pleasant feeling, but if our credit card is taking the hit and we're not sure if we can pay the balance, then this can become a serious issue.

Very often things are bought to feed the feelings of anticipation and expectation associated with owning them, but the unfortunate thing is that as soon as we have purchased them we are looking for the next 'glittering prize' to feed the fantasy.

The main indicators you will relate to if you are a true shopaholic are:

Shopping to lift you mood

Looking forward to buying something, but feeling guilty once you've bought it

Possessing many similar items that are never used or worn

Compulsively buying more of the same items even though you are deeply in debt

Feeling depressed after a shopping excursion

Having to sneak your latest purchase into the house in case you partner sees it and goes mad!

If you can relate to these issues and feel you need help to get out of this spiral at least you have recognized that you have a problem.

Like all addictive behaviours you will need firstly to recognize that you want to change. No doubt the spiralling credit card charges and feelings of guilt and sometimes deception, will make that decision easier.

You will probably feel that by looking for help you will be laughed at and made to feel silly with such a trivial issue, which is why the use of self hypnosis can be an ideal way of treating your problem, taking away the need to discuss your apparently trivial problem with a third party.

Because your shopping behaviour is making up for a deep seated need for affection, you are effectively treating yourself, to boost your self worth and to provide the feelings you crave for. By using hypnosis you can reprogramme your subconscious to build inner feelings of self worth and replace the need to buy things with positive feelings of well being. Without the compulsion to buy unneeded and unnecessary things you will experience a new found freedom and feeling of independence which will affect you and your bank balance beneficially!

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