Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Toys 2009

If you're "hot on the trail" for some cool Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Toys for any young Transformers fan, here is some information on some of the most popular toys available as of March 2009 - as well as some cost info and shopping tips:

Roll Out Command Optimus Toys - These are currently the most popular of the bunch - it transforms from "Earth Truck" vehicle to robot - the robot version having a powerful fire-blasting axe to defeat the evil Decepticons. Retail price is $50.00.

"The Battle Begins" (Optimus Prime vs. Megatron) - OK, the battle is on. This is a set of the action figures (Optimus vs. Megatron), both of them fully transform. Megatron is armed with a fusion cannon, while Optimus is wielding his fire-blaster axe. Retail price is around $26.00 for both toys.

Voyager Earth Mode Toys - As with some of the other Optimus toys, this figure transforms from "Earth Truck" to robot - in robot mode this one has movable face armor (moves up and down when he talks) - also the weapon he uses in robot mode actually becomes part of the truck in vehicle mode, so it's easier to keep the parts all together without getting lost. Retail price for this toy is around $30.00.

Battle Blaster Toys - Rather than transforming into a robot, this starts as an eight-wheeled truck into a mobile gun platform with a blaster cannon - this one is quite different from the rest of the toys in the collection, and based on what I researched the consumer reviews were excellent. Retail price is around $40.

There are more Transformers Animated Optimus Prime Toys than these available (in fact quite a few more) - but the above are currently the hottest-sellers and (I speak from experience) quite a bit of fun as well!

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