Monday, July 19, 2010

Business Lessons You Get From Harry Potter

The world has fascination for MAGIC...We at all times is searching for that Magic Bullet to banish the un-magical part of developing our dream from our present reality.

Ya, I've read the latest Harry Potter book. I've been reading the Harry Potter books aloud to my child for the last five years and am intrigued by the in depth lessons given within the story. The characters in book have really captured my imagination. A reluctant Harry, indomitable Hermione or the pouting Ron, they all were in adventures which I will never forget.

Does this provide for any lessons to you in business? Have you been in search of some magic bullet? As an entrepreneur, I have seen past many things which I thought were perfect answers-a sort of magic box, a magic content or infact a magic product which would sell by itself.

* Lesson One - "There is No Magic Bullet."

The creativity of J.K Rowling and her smart sales plan drew me closer in this game. The amount of creativity in her books was simply awesome. This strategic game plan where the story continued actually became which I looked forward to each year. The interval in between kept my interest.

As my son grew, we simply would take turns reading the Harry Potter book to each other! then each of us read the book ourselves alone to understand the plot. Now I am more impatient about the potter series than my son!

* Lesson Two - "Keep your target audience interested."

After the Harry Potter books, his movies came in, and the visual representation was almost congruent when compared with the text of the books. After each episode there was renewed interest in the next one. I simply was dumb stuck as to how the potter movie brought alive the events and characters of Harry Potter books.

* Lesson Three - How many different ways can we distribute the Product to all who want it?

Not only this, as soon as J.K Rowling finished writing new book and was publishing her work, the promotions of latest book would run concurrently with previous books movie clips. This would create such a craze that I would make sure that I got the first copy of Harry Potter as soon as it was available in market.

* Lesson Four - If there is Buzz, there are more sales!

It was a cleaver sales ploy of making use of cliffhanger, or in simple terms leaving the task unfinished in the end of the book. J.K would end each Potter book with details as to how we got upto there and finished the book with a mystery which is to be solved in future. A curiosity which would grow with time...!

J.K Rowlings used the magic of her words and some deft planning to market her works in an efficient manner which not only entertained millions of her fans, but brought into effect a sharp marketing plan which could be replicated elsewhere.

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