Friday, July 16, 2010

Dress Me interaction

Dress Me is an interactive clothing collection containing some of the popular shapes in beach fashion from the 1950s, 60s, 70s and 80s. Made from salvaged fabrics, displayed on kiwi-batch furniture and having the added appeal of participation, Dress Me is an arresting exhibit. Created to play with, the exhibit mimics the paper doll concept in childrens toys on a much larger three dimensional scale. The participants are free to dress the mannequin in an outfit of their own choosing and reconnect with the concept of play. This collection being historical in context, joins the viewers and participants with our social history, a direct link with what it was to be a person of those eras. Nostalgia is a powerful emotion that evokes all types of reactions, letting the public participate in Dress Me to experience their and others personal memories and journeys is the exciting result of this exhibit.

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