Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Himalayan Abominable Snowman - Separating Factoid From the Facts

The Himalayan abominable snowman/yeti, is the snowman from which others originated from. It is a humanoid that is half-man and half-beast, and has an appearance which probably varies greatly from the image many conjure in their heads when they think of the beast. The common perception usually consists of a hulking, muscle-endowed body, which is covered in a thick white fur that that blends it seamlessly with its icy terrain, making it all the more phantom-like. But this could not be a further cry from its origins. The Himalayan version is said to have stood no taller than a tween or an early teen human-child, was covered in a light reddish-brown coat , possessed a tail, and walked with gangly arms that swung to and fro. This image is some more akin to a disproportioned imp, rather than a savage beast. This odd spectacle was the result of a union of a Buddhist hermit ( Who also happened to be a monkey king ) and an ogress.

According to Sherpa folklore, the monkey king, a Buddhist convert, gave up his life of solitude after an ogress was attracted to his very essence and fell in love with him. They had many children together, and those were the first yeti that roamed the land. This tale is very similar to the origin of the Tibetan people who, according to legend, are the descendants of six offspring who belonged to a monkey-king and an ogress. The ogress in the tale of the birth of the Tibetan people took different forms trying to seduce the monkey king, failing each time and eventually taking love by force, declaring that thousands would be slaughtered by day and thousands more by night if the monkey king did not accept her love.

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