Saturday, July 3, 2010

Staying Warm in Your Accessories

Knowing I have to de-ice my care with my hands, and shovel the snow off my driveway every morning isn't very exciting. You say if you're wearing gloves it's not a big deal right? Well when they are cotton, you've got a big problem.

Driving to work is even worse, and my car looks somewhat like frosty the snowman. Heater and all, completely wrapped in warm clothes, I keep myself warm and safe. And keeping warmth is very important to me as I am sure it is you, so here is a little list for you to help you stay warm in these rough times.


Get yourself a very very thick cotton one of these, whatever color of your liking. I like darker colors for these. They make you look stylish while keeping you extremely warm in that area in the process.

Leather Gloves

Most people I know don't own a pair of these, but let me tell you, they come in handy. They provide so much more warmth and are very comfortable as opposed to many other types of gloves. Not to mention fashionable as well as the scarves. Fit together quite nicely, actually.


Well they say 45% of the heat escapes from your noggin, so don't go without something warm on it. I've tested this and it literally helps to cover the head more than any other part of the body. There are endless styles to choose from.

And my dirty little secret... Rugby Socks

If you're freezing, just buy some of these, trust me. You will definitely thank me for this one. When your legs aren't frostbitten you can write me an email...

I hope this list has been at least a minor help for you, and here's to warmer weather!

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