Friday, August 6, 2010

How To Photograph Your Shih Tzu Puppy

Like most dog owners they are quite proud of their pet and those who own Shih Tzus are no exception. While they take great pictures there are some good ways, as well as things you should avoid when taking pictures of your favorite puppy.

A lot of it may revolve around how well you know your dog and the characteristics of the breed. To begin with you should try to make them feel comfortable and at ease. Play with them and give them heaps of attention and affection. Remember, while getting them to pose for the camera, continuously praise them for their good behavior. Shih Tzus are extremely smart and they will work out what you're trying to do and tell them.

Many pictures of Shih Tzus usually incorporate costumes and or accessories that they love to play with or use. So if you're planning on using costumes in your photo shoot, as soon as you get to your photo location, begin grooming your puppy as soon as possible, it also helps them feel comfortable as they love to be groomed.

While this breed can be rather stubborn about particular things, you might want to try a few costumes on prior to having their photo taken. This way you can see what suits them or if they don't like a particular costume then just put it away and try something else. Forcing them to do something they don't particularly want to do may result in the end of your photo session as they may no longer cooperate.

But if you've passed all that and have their favorite costumes ready and they are comfortable with their surroundings then you can start to take some photos of them. Try not to have too many people around or at a location that may be too noisy or distracting, this breed tends to be highly strung at times and may not behave well if spooked.

If you've got the perfect little fashion model doing all the right things, make sure you continue to praise them, treat them like royalty. Being the centre of the attention without surrounding distractions you should be able to take some great pictures.

The key to getting great photos of your Shih Tzu is a lot to do with the preparation and settling them at a location free of noise or distraction. Get them comfortable by grooming them. Practice with costumes before the session to find the perfect item you and your dog will be happy with. Pile on the compliments and praise throughout your photo session. End with a special treat and loads of affection and you should have some great photos of your special little mate.

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