Monday, August 16, 2010

Surviving Colic

Many new parents of colicky children are surprised to discover that colic is due to a definition of effect instead. This means as colic refers to the behavior of a child, not the reasons for this behavior. As a result, suggestions for the treatment of colic can vary greatly. Some pediatricians recommend that nursing mothers will be cut out dairy products or other foods, while others prescribe medications, and others say they are nice, but just wait for parents. Perhaps the most frustratingof colic, other than the non-stop crying, this lack of diagnosis. But even if no one has thought of a satisfactory and acceptable source of colic, the condition can be treated. Ie, in most cases, colic a product or activity is resolved, but the treatment includes a calming colicky baby, and under parental pressure.

What is colic? Colic is defined by the rule of three: a baby cries for at least three hours a day, at least three days a week, withat least three weeks in a row. Even if your child does not meet this definition, treatments that follow are still positive. This list is not exhaustive, but to survive the simplest and most effective way colic.

Relax Before: This is the most difficult aspect of the treatment of colic, especially for first time parents. Well-meaning relatives or friends to recommend the colic is the result of nervous parents are simply wrong. We found no evidence to support this assertion. Yet,Relaxation helps parents help their children. Remember, colic is not your fault! Tensing up, the sense of guilt, blame your partner or a non-stop for one thing, what your child is simply uncomfortable exhaust and frustrate their parents. Spend your energy and cuddle your child.

According to Swing: a fluid rhythmic movement seems to soothe the baby as colic. Use a battery operated swing, take your child to go for a car, puts it right in a sling or stroller, or just rock-CarSeat back and forth. Each oscillating movement is doing.

Third Wrap: Use a blanket or a pre-reception with the band. Even if the child is wrapped apparently hate, give it time because it works.

Fourth White Noise: Many children as repetitive, rhythmic sounds. Run an air purifier or fans, or just have a sound Sshh ear of her child. Will probably need to make this sound effect stronger.

Fifth Breastfeeding: If you decide to breastfeed, not with a stick and gropedHours colic feeding during the weeks or months. If breastfeeding calm your baby, then by all means feed on demand. You can not spoil infantile colic.

Sixth Suck: Introducing a pacifier or let your child with a finger. If your child finds his thumb, not discourage them. Many pediatricians recommend pacifier and a baby who learns to suck his thumb to calm learn.

Seventh Location: Directly Many parents of colicky children are too embarrassed to leave home, but undera child cries for a walk should be a must! Why? The cry can be swallowed by the noise of the city or the country, and physical activity is to relax the parent company.

8th Cry: books, many parents do not recommend this method for the treatment of parents, but he left angry for colic, maybe even cry. Not to indulge, but do not force you to put on a happy face all the time. Take a finite time only release your emotions in a constructive dialogue,non-violent.

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