Monday, August 30, 2010

Until Recently, My Golf Handicap Was So High, I Got Special Parking

My golf handicap was so bad that I would always feel bad when the round was done and the group would have to factor in my number and see what I'd really carded. How horrifying!

It got to the point where I would actually stop scoring myself and see if the other three guys would actually have the nerve to keep writing the number 8 on their cards.

"Another snowman for the big guy."

Here's the reason it was so embarrassing...I was the guy.

I was the guy you'd constantly see swinging the fake club while I did other things. Yes, I was him. He was me.

You'd see me tweaking my golf swing routine on line at the company cafeteria, on the escalator at the mall with my four boys, in the pew at church during a wedding (religiously).

Anywhere and everywhere, I was working through the dynamics of the entire swing everywhere I went.
Here's the tiny problem, though...I was doing it wrong.

Completely wrong. I suppose it'd be like training a dog and yelling at it to 'attack' while the older woman was trying to cross the busy street. Just wrong. While I thought I was making subtle golf swing improvements, I was actually teaching myself an incorrect golf swing.

So each and every time I would hit the tee, I would REPEAT the wrong swing and the ball would head off as if it had a mind and a compass of its own.

Muscle memory is a strange actually remembers.

This golf nightmare thankfully came to an end not too long ago when I found a golf training aid that WOULD NOT ALLOW ME TO SWING WRONG. Like a straight jacket for a problem golfer (me) it holds the arms in and forces them to fold at the right moments.

It holds the power triangle formed by the arms and the waist and holds it all the way through the entire swing.

Truth be told, I'm still that guy. I'm still working on my swing when there isn't a flag stick in sight, but with my new Perfect Connextion, at least I'm doing it correctly.

So while my golf handicap has gone from a 19 to a 14 (27%!!!), my parking options have gone down too, all thanks to the Perfect Connextion.

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