Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Holiday Barbie 2008 began more than a role model as a fashion model

Holiday Barbie 2008 is a wonderful collection celebrates the 20th anniversary Holiday Barbie. Although excited Holiday Barbie is scheduled every year, the Barbie doll has a fascinating history, beginning with his "birth" in 1959.

Believe it or not, Barbie was originally a real person. Her name was Barbara (Barbie) Handler and his mother and father were Ruth and Elliot.

In early 1950, the mother of a young Barbie as Barbie and her friends seemed happy to play with adults> Fashion Dolls more than they have the baby dolls. His mother knew it was important to present to young girls, so to speak, to grow up to be.

Since most adult dolls were available at that time, of paper or cardboard, said the mother of Barbie in a three-dimensional adult female doll ... do that was life-like enough to dream as a source of inspiration and role model for girls "of what the future would bring. A future full of fun on the beach, trips to get married one dayand family.

He took his ideas to the managers of ads Mattel Inc., the company that he founded and the father of Barbie in the garage for many years before. The all male committee rejected the idea saying it would be too expensive to produce and market appeal too little for the masses.

Ruth was not so easily discouraged. Had gone on a trip to Europe and with a Lillie doll she had bought back, "a doll modeled the character of a German comic strip. TheyThen spent much time Lillie similar design their own doll, and even a designer to make clothes to set realistic clothes. The result was the first Barbie doll.

Mattel finally agreed to support their efforts and Barbie made her debut at the American Toy Fair in New York City in 1959. Girls raved about them, and a new sales record for Mattel was set sold in the year before, with 351,000 Barbie dolls at $ 3.00 per piece.

Marketed as a girl "-Age Fashion Model", the first Barbie dolls weremanufactured in Japan, with their clothes hand-stitched by Japanese homeworkers. The first Barbie had a ponytail and zebra-striped swimsuit, open shoes, sunglasses and earrings blonde. Even more amusing was the fact that Barbie had a lot of accessories available. Little girl she loved, despite the buyer at the annual meeting of industry Toy Fair in New York, seemed indifferent.

Ruth knew what he likes young girls and Barbie has been a breakout hit! That's all it took for the purchase Retailers by storm! Mattel was so with the command, it took several years for the supply of fish to flooded with demand!

Since then the popularity of the Barbie doll persevered, and today, with over a billion of them look-alikes sold the product line is one of the most successful in the history of the toy industry.

This Christmas, Holiday Barbie 2008 once again exceeded all expectations. Was wearing a nice shirt, shiny silver, this stunning collection> Fashion Doll exudes a classic beauty.

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