Thursday, July 22, 2010

5 Simple Ways to Stay Active While Away For the Holiday Season

Staying committed to your workout schedule and weight loss during the holidays can be something of a challenge for most people. And while there are plenty of articles between published online about how to eat properly to avoid gaining all of the weight you have worked so hard to shed over the year (more and more get published as we get closer to the holidays), very little is published about staying active while visiting with family and friends.

Here are five easy things you can do to stay active while away from the gym visiting family (of course, we will also be watching what we eat!).

1. Walk after each meal. This is an easy one if your family has a dog that needs to be walked. Use the pet as a reason to go for a twenty or thirty minute walk. If there are no pets you can use as an excuse to slip away, make one up or be up-front and say that you like to burn off some extra calories after each meal.

2. Shovel the snow. If you are visiting family in a snowy climate, offer to do the shoveling. This will help with maintaining your muscle mass.

3. Take charge of family activities. There is nothing more enjoyable than a family skate, snow-shoe hike, toboggan run or other outdoor activity. Take charge and plan for a fun excursion for some fresh air and exercise.

4. Be the first to join the kids for a snowball fight or snowman building contest. Getting out in the snow with the kids is a great to help them burn energy... and help you burn some energy too!

5. Offer help at every opportunity. Whether taking the garbage out, breaking down boxes for the recycling or just running extra chairs up and down the stairs, offer your help at every chance. This will not only make your hosts happy, but will keep you active within the house.

Although the holidays are normally a time for visiting family and indulging in some rest and relaxation, remember that diets are often impossible to maintain and combining poor diet with lack of activity will result in quicker weight gain. Stay active by doing these five things and getting back to your pre-holiday routine will not only be easier, but you will drop those few extra pounds a lot quicker, too!

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