Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Can Toys Help Create Positive Role Models For Kids?

We all know that kids have active bodies and active imaginations. The more things they have to entertain themselves, the more they will stay out of trouble. Playing can be a great way for kids to exercise their minds and bodies. Using toys to simulate real life can help a child develop her imagination, while working collaboratively with others. So playing not only helps develop the imagination, but it helps with valuable social skills, as well.

Does it matter what type of toys the kids are playing with? When it comes to dolls it might. Since dolls are usually used to mimic real life, having a doll that portrays a positive image could have a more positive effect on how children portray themselves. Some studies have suggested that the unrealistic body image of Barbie, along with airbrushed magazine models, and super perfect Hollywood actresses, can be damaging to a young girls self image.

That is why a doll that helps to portray a more positive self image is a good choice for a young girl. The liv dolls are a new doll line that at least attempt to do this. Even though they are said to have flaws, they are slim and rather perfect looking, but they are a move in the right direction. They also focus a lot on fashion and the commercials and videos on Liv World are pretty shallow.

None the less, they do have some positive things going for them. They emphasize fashion and hairstyles, which is realistic, since preteen and teen girls are into fashion and hair. Most young girls who play with these dolls are aspiring teens, so this is fairly realistic. Another nice thing about these is they emphasize friendship and camaraderie.

The dolls are also supposed to be more like real girls, because they have flaws. One loves sports and skateboarding, but she is a Klutz. Another is way into doing her friends hair, but she can't see a thing without her glasses. It's a running liv doll joke, to not her do your hair, unless she has her glasses on. Another nice thing about this toy is they emphasize developing a girls talents, whether it's hair, fashion, skating, bike riding, or music, most kids have a talent or an interest they would like to develop.

The latest collection also comes with puppies. Each individual doll has her own puppy. Teaching kids to care for animals teaches empathy and responsibility. These are very valuable life skills and the world would be a better place if everyone learned these things at a young age. In the fall, there will be a new addition to the doll collection, named Hayden, she not only has a pet bunny, she even starts a foundation to help homeless animals. So these toys are even encouraging community service.

As our kids grow, we need to do our best to help them be responsible contributing members of society. The more positive role models and attitudes they see, will only help them to be better adults and better people in general.

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